Wouldn’t it be nice if we had more romance anime like Yubisaki to Renren?

Everyone has a good idea of how they like romance in their media. Some people watch romance shows. Some don’t. Some people decide their entire opinion of a show based on which characters get together with who in the final episode.

I personally tend to put a higher priority on the overall execution of a piece of media so for me romance often ends up being less important. I’ve even felt sometimes that writers should avoid putting such a strong focus on romance especially in endings because it isn’t particularly relevant to the story/plot itself.

Of course my opinion there is only for stories where the main focus never was romance. For stories where romance is a factor right from the start or stories actually in the romance genre by all means add as much as you want.

So how does Yubisaki to Renren fare?

Well Yubisaki to Renren is a shoujo manga adaption about a deaf university student (Yuki) who meets a guy (Itsuomi) who she ends up falling in love with.

So yeah, besides the gimmick with Yuki not being able to hear it is exactly the type of story you would expect from your standard lighthearted shoujo manga romance.

Not that having a generic shoujo manga romance is bad or anything. And at least with Yubisaki to Renren, it just does everything so well so it stands out and is really hard to dislike.

With a romance story the important thing is the characters. Most important is obviously the main couple, followed by the supporting cast.

Yubisaki to Renren doesn’t fail with this. Yuki is likable. Even though she has a disadvantage of not being able to hear, I really like how the show never focuses on her disability in a negative light. She really is just a normal girl just like everyone else.

Yuki and Itsuomi do great as a main couple. And it isn’t just them. I don’t think there are any characters which have appeared so far which aren’t both well written and likable.

The thing I was most impressed with though, as well as the reason I think we need more romance anime like this is just how well the show portrays the characters emotions and feelings towards each other. I felt that way during episode 1, as well as in every episode since.

I feel that due to this, it really is no surprise that Yubisaki to Renren has been one of the most popular anime this season.

In any case, I hope everyone else is enjoying it even half the amount that I am, as it really is an anime that anyone who even remotely likes romance anime needs to at least try out.


Title: ゆびさきと恋々 | Yubisaki to Renren
Aliases: A Sign of Affection
Source: Shoujo Manga | Studio: 亜細亜堂 (Ajia-Do)

About FabledHunter

Novice Anime Blogger.

Posted on March 12, 2024, in Anime, Reviews and Impressions and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Thanks for your recommendation. Gonna download episodes from crunchyroll later. I accept romance anime/TV show/novel. Idk if you are interested in BL or GL related series. Live-action adaptation like Cherry Magic and TV show like Good Omens are good to watch. (p.s. Though I rarely read this type of novel tbh.)


    • (Note: I’ve removed the link from your comment)

      I’m glad you are going to give Yubisaki to Renren a go. It is a really good show.

      I am planning to cover more romance shows on this blog in the future so maybe there will be more you are interested in soon.

      I don’t mind trying BL or GL media, but generally I do tend to not end up sticking with most of them (a few have become favourites of mine though).


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